Health & Wellness

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- Jun 7, 2023
Aging Gracefully– Consider: Warm, Vibrant and Full of Vitality… Standing in Your Center…Self Empowered and Totally Complete with Yourself!
Are You a Woman Over 40?
As a woman aging gracefully, You still have dreams and as a woman over 40 standing in Her center, You feel self-empowered to accomplish anything You choose to do.
Whether it’s starting a new career, learning a new craft, starting an online business, taking a course somewhere or maybe if You’re 65, You are happy just staying at home puttering around— the important thing is knowing that Your life is not over and that You can do whatever You choose to do.
Remember…You are the Captain of Your ship and You are in charge!
As Ralph Smart would say, “…and Can I Get a Hello!”
If You Are in Your 40s or 50s Make Sure You Make a Plan for What You are Going to Be Doing When You Turn 65.
Do You remember when We were in grade school and people used to ask Us: “what do You want to be when You grow up?” And We would answer “Oh I wanna to be this” or “I wanna to be that.” LOL…Half the time Our answers were dipsey and changed every other day— “I wanna be a fireman, nah…I changed My mind, I wanna be a dog catcher…I think I changed My mind again, I wanna be…
As adults getting older, We now have to ask ourselves “what do I want to do When I retire or turn 65?” We have to plan it out from now so that when we reach there, We are not stumbling around trying to figure it out and ending up just watching television all day.
We should know more or less what it is We are going to be doing at the various stages in Our lives, i.e., maybe it’s starting a new career, going back to school, opening a business, learning a new language, it might be doing something You have ALWAYS wanted to do, but couldn’t because working a job, and raising a family hindered You. WHAT EVER IT IS YOU HAVE TO PLAN FOR IT!
Now is Your opportunity to plan how You want to live the rest of Your life and what it is You are going to be doing.
As You turn 65 already have Your plans laid out for what You want to do when You turn 70. Think about and plan out what You want to be doing when You turn 80. When You reach 100 years old You want to be Just as sharp and spry as You were at 50. You want to be able to sit back and say well…for this lifetime, I have done everything that I have wanted to do. So again… If You Are in Your 40s or 50s Make Sure You Make a Plan for What You are Going to Be Doing When You Turn 65.
Aging Gracefully Does Not Mean That You Have to “get old” or “Feel Elderly.” You are Exactly what You tell Yourself You Are!
And Remember Being an Elder and Being Elderly are NOT the Same— They are Two Different Things and You do Have a Choice. After all, YOU are the Captain of Your Ship and YOU are in Charge!
All Around You are Images of Women Over 50 Defying the Odds with Their Youthful Bodies and Spirits…Aging Gracefully
Now…You also know that as a woman aging gracefully, if You are to remain vibrant and have longevity, You have to take care of your vehicle, the only body You have so, that You remain strong, healthy, and full of vitality— physically, mentally, and spiritually.
The Importance of Exercise
Exercise has countless benefits for those of all ages, including a healthier heart, stronger bones, and improved flexibility. For those over 50, individuals who exercise have decreased risks of illness due to stronger Immune systems. Exercise helps with maintaining a healthy weight, promoting cardiovascular health, and a good night’s sleep. In addition, working out helps You stay focused and increases Your energy.
So, Consider the Information You Have Been Reading, Your Guide to Anti-Aging… and While You’re at it– Treat Yourself to a Relaxing Full Body Massage
As You consider what aging gracefully means to You, consider this information You are reading now as a guide to anti-aging with healthy living tips that You can feel free to incorporate into Your lifestyle.
Although anti-aging skin care tends to top the list for most women, in Our quest to reverse aging, there are many other areas that demand attention.
These areas include: exercise, diet, restful sleep, and nutritional supplements, to name a few.
These Elements Combined Promote a Healthy Lifestyle That Results in Natural Anti-Aging.
Walking Every Day for 20 or 30 Minutes is a Natural Anti-Aging Habit and Great Exercise
Wouldn’t it be great if some of the energy found in children were dispersed a little more equitably among Us as We grow older. Aging gracefully can be supported by regular exercise. Walking is a natural anti-aging habit that brings more oxygen into Your bloodstream and more health to every cell of Your body.
Walking every day for 20 or 30 minutes will energize You
It may take a few days to get over the hump if You haven’t done it for a while. However, if You are consistent, You will soon find Yourself wanting to walk longer and longer. There will be a new radiance and glow about You that may even prompt some comments from Your Family and Friends.
Eat Less Dead Animals… More Vegetables and Fruits
Another way You will find Yourself aging gracefully is when You make good dietary choices. There are many books as well as online information available with diet tips and healthy eating plans. Navigating the many weight loss food choices can be challenging. It is important to set aside some time to think about Your own healthy lifestyle and how practical a given plan may be for You.
One of The Best Age Prevention Secrets- When You Eat Alkaline Foods Many Health Conditions Clear Up or Get Better!
There are anti-aging foods that will help you with increased energy and weight loss. Emphasizing eating alkaline foods, for example, is one of the best age prevention secrets.
Unless You know that the raw fruits and vegetables come from a garden or farm where pesticides have not been sprayed on the plants, then it is better to buy and eat a variety of Organic Raw Fruits, Vegetables and Leafy Greens. This will naturally ensure a diet that is highly alkaline, increased fiber, antioxidants vitamins and minerals and free of toxins.
Drinking raw vegetable juices and green smoothies will go a long way in keeping You feeling rejuvenated.
There is a ton of information online about juicing and green smoothies.
You’ll find it worth your while to incorporate these foods into Your diet. When a diet is highly alkaline many health conditions clear up or get better.
Best to eat a diet free of dead animals, especially the 4-legged pigs, including bacon. If You must eat animals try to limit to chicken and those fish with fins and scales, i.e., salmon, red snapper, whiting, porgies, bass, etc. Do not eat the farmed tilapia, seafood/shrimp, lobster, oysters etc. and other scavengers of the sea- i.e., catfish. The chicken should be free running chickens, fed naturally, free of pesticides and antibiotics.
Oh…You Must NEVER microwave Your food. Cook Your food on the stove. Microwaved food is dangerous to Your health. As time does not permit, please go online and Google the hazards of eating microwaved foods. There You will find a lot of information. Also… I offer a Free eBook on Vegan Weight Loss diet—and if weight loss is not Your issue, pay no attention to the title “Weight Loss” there is lots of information found inside that You will find most helpful.
Finally… It is Best to Eat a Diet that is Vegan—where at Least 75-85% of Daily Diet is RAW.
Get Your Regular Health Checkups
Get your regular checkups, don’t forget to have Your Physician check your blood to make sure Your blood levels are within the norm, including Your iron calcium, and vitamin D levels. You may need to take supplements if vitamin D is low as that is difficult to obtain from food. Plenty of sunshine will also boot Your vitamin D levels.
Getting 8 Hours Sleep at Night is An Important Key for Delaying Aging
A guide to age delay must include the importance of the benefits of restful sleep. Everyone has differing needs for sleep. Unfortunately, most of us push the envelope with so many activities that we cheat our bodies by providing only a few hours of sleep each night. Getting eight hours of good sleep may be one of Your keys to age control benefits like increased energy and timeless skin. It is during the hours of sleep that the body’s healing processes take over.
There’s One Other Tidbit I Haven’t Mentioned…and Men this Might Interest You Also…
Oh, there’s one other tidbit I have not mentioned so I’ll just mention it now… its urine therapy. Yes…drinking your own urine. Urine Therapy is one of the best anti-aging secrets that has been known and used for centuries. I encourage you to do your research as there is much to learn about this therapy.
If seeking information on urine therapy, you can begin your research by reading My next article to be published soon, Urine Therapy Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment and Then Some
And So…
If a Self-Empowered Woman over 40… Aging Gracefully Suits You. Why Not Build Yourself a Healthy Happy Lifestyle So That YOU Can Wear it Well!
So…Until the Next Article…Hugs and Kisses

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- If You would like to use this article on Your website, You may do so as long as You reference My website as the source for Your information. www.vitalityrestored.com
- Yocheved Bat-Imedt, is a Registered Nurse, Holistic Health & Healing Arts Practitioner, Holistic Health Consultant, as well as Holistic Asthma Consultant, and the founder of FAFAA-First Aid For Asthma Attacks, LLC . She has spent over 40 Years researching and promoting holistic health and healing.