Author name: admin

Bet You Don’t Know About the Secret Weapon for Asthmatics Do You?

Well … Introducing  Asthma Reflexology– Asthmatics Secret Weapon! I know many of You haven’t a clue about what Asthma Reflexology is, and how it relates to Asthma. This article is geared to give You that clue. LOL… for those of You who are used to reading My articles You know how long they can be right…This one promises …

Bet You Don’t Know About the Secret Weapon for Asthmatics Do You? Read More »

Aging Gracefully– Consider: Warm, Vibrant and Full of Vitality… Standing in Your Center…Self Empowered and Totally Complete with Yourself!

Are You a Woman Over 40? As a woman aging gracefully, You still have dreams and as a woman over 40 standing in Her center, You feel self-empowered to accomplish anything You choose to do. Whether it’s starting a new career, learning a new craft, starting an online business, taking a course somewhere or maybe if You’re …

Aging Gracefully– Consider: Warm, Vibrant and Full of Vitality… Standing in Your Center…Self Empowered and Totally Complete with Yourself! Read More »