Health & Wellness

- Savior Dev Team
- Aug 28, 2023
Millennials & Under 50s– Learn How to Protect and Maintain a Healthy Immune System and Relax…It’s Not That Hard!
Millennials & Under 50s– Learn How to Protect and Maintain a Healthy Immune System and Relax…It’s Not That Hard!
This article was originally titled: “COVID-19: Millennials & Under 50s– Worried about this Coronavirus?” written and published in March 2020. It has since been revised.
To help keep information current and useful for all time, the focus (though mentioned), will no longer be Covid-19, the article will focus on Prevention of Illness and Strengthening the Immune System.
This information serves as a guide to help You and Your family stay healthy during any pandemic or outbreak of disease or illness. It is a guide that many of You may find Yourselves maintaining after an outbreak, pandemic or illness is finished.
1) Avoid close contact with others
2) When coughing or sneezing, cover Your nose and mouth with the inside crook of Your elbow.
3) Wash hands including wrists frequently for 20-30 Seconds (Count 20-30)
So now, with the rules laid down, it’s time to take care of You. If You are a healthy young person under let’s say 50 years old and it happens that while away from home, You begin to have a dry cough and fever, one of the first things You should do is to start drinking and cover nose and mouth with the crook of Your arm if sneezing or coughing. Try to avoid breathing on others and head home.
Remember to wash Your hands when You get home and, especially when in the kitchen handling food water etc. If You live with other people let them know You are not feeling well so they can keep an eye on You.
If You live alone, notify a friend or family member that You are not feeling well, so that They can keep tabs on You.
Make sure You stay hydrated drinking sips of plain (room temperature) water every 15-30 minutes. Water intake should total 8 glasses– 2 quarts/2liters daily. Other liquids i.e., juice, teas, sodas are not a substitute for water. You may squeeze fresh lemon into the plain water if You wish.
You should have a thermometer in the house should You want to check Your temperature. For an accurate reading, ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TEMPERATURE BEFORE DRINKING OR EATING. In other words, drink or eat after Your temperature has been taken.
In order to prevent the spread of germs especially the COVID-19, do not leave soiled tissues laying around as pictured in above photo. Discard used tissues in a plastic or paper bag and keep that bag closed.
Remember to wash Your hands and wrists every time You use a tissue. After You open the bag and drop in the soiled tissue, remember to Close the Bag First, then go wash Your hands for 20-30 seconds.
The other thing that is going to be helpful for You to do is “Steaming.”
Steaming can be a useful aid in supporting the immune system. It can be helpful if You are asymptomatic for COVID-19 or exhibit the initial symptoms. It’s also a treatment that the family in general could benefit from doing as an immune booster especially during the cold winter months.
Initially do this treatment 3 times a day. When Your 14-day quarantine is over, reduce steaming to twice daily– mornings and evenings just before bed. After another 14 days then reduce to once a day preferably before bed. Continue doing steaming prophylactically once a day for as long as the Coronavirus is rampant.
Before Steaming: Always Turn the Flame Under the Boiling Water Off!
Covid-19 and other viruses affect the respiratory system initially entering inside Your nose and moving down into Your throat. In this very initial stage of the virus, heat will help kill the virus; that’s why the suggested steam and drinking warm liquids.
OK…To get started, Go and get Your hoody or a towel. Then get a pot and fill it with water about 1 ½ inches from the top. It doesn’t have to be Your LOL… ‘big fixing greens for a week pot’ it can be Your ‘small boiling 3 or 4 potatoes pot.’ Let the water come to a full boil, then turn the flame off. Let the pot sit for one minute. Pull Your hoody or towel down over Your head.
Bend over the pot pulling the sides of the hoody or towel outwards as though making a tent over the pot so that the steam gets directed up to Your face. Inhale the steam through Your nose for 5 seconds (count to 5) then breathe out through
Steaming can be intense so take a break for a minute or two if You need it. The steam should feel hot, but it should not feel like it’s burning Your face. If it feels too hot just make an adjustment and move Your face slightly up away from the pot. As the water cools down, naturally You can move Your face closer to the pot so that, You can continue to take advantage of the steam.
If You have access to Eucalyptus or Tea Tree oil— great! Turn the flame off under the boiling water. Wait 1 minute then add 3-4 drops of oil to the water.
If Eucalyptus or Tea Tree is not available, then when You fill up the pot with water, You can cut in half 4 or 5 (or more) cloves of garlic add to the water and /or pieces of onion, ginger, orange, lemon or lime peels or any singular one of those items.
Then let the water come to a boil for about 5 minutes. then turn down to simmer for about 15 minutes. Turn off the heat Cover the pot for 7-10 minutes. then start the steaming.
Naturally if You have none of those items, to add to the pot, then just steam with plain water; virus, cold or flu won’t care muc
While You are waiting for the water to boil, drink a cup of warm liquid i.e. herbal tea, or better yet buy a bottle of cayenne powder (not paprika). Put a pinch of cayenne into a cup, with a squeeze of fresh lemon add a ½ cup of hot water, stir it around and drink it down just before You start the steaming.
It may taste very spicy at first, but You get used to it. You’ll find it’s a good tonic to drink when going out in cold weather too.
If You are drinking tea add a pinch of cayenne to the tea. You can also squeeze lemon and add a little garlic if You like, or— You can always just put a pinch of cayenne in 4 oz of plain hot water; drink– and then put on Your hoody or towel.
NOTE: Do Not Add Any Sweetener to Your Tea or Hot Water— Drink it plain
Leafy Greens & Fruit
Eat lightly, mostly raw salads with lots of leafy greens and a pinch of cayenne mixed into a simple dressing i.e. olive oil, balsamic or apple cider vinegar or lemon.
Include a variety of fruit—except banana, as banana is not a cleansing fruit.
Leafy greens help prevent constipation and lend support for a healthy immune system, which is so important for the fight against a depleted immune system.
If You can, eat lots of cooked mushrooms especially Maitake, Shitake and Reishi— Why cooked? The medicinal properties of mushrooms are released when they are cooked.
Cooked mushrooms support the immune system. Garlic, onions, and cayenne pepper are also good for the immune system.
Mushrooms can be steamed, sautéed, or baked, with garlic and onions. They can be added to soups or simmered in a pot of 2 cups of water, cooked down to one cup, liquified in a blender and drank as a tea, or broth. You can also turn the broth into a cream of mushroom soup by adding a dollop of vegan yogurt.
It would also be beneficial to add a pinch or two of Cayenne powder.
As You can see, I am a big proponent of the use of Cayenne. Cayenne Pepper is a powerful medicine. In addition to being great for digestion, when Cayenne is added to food, and that food is eaten, Cayenne intensifies the healing properties of that food as well as facilitating the food’s absorption into the body’s cells.
Cayenne, though fiery, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it is also great for the circulation and metabolism.
Additional Foods to Fight the Virus
Other foods You can include in Your diet to defend against weakened immune system are seeds i.e. pumpkin, sunflower, hemp, chia. Put them in salads and smoothies.
You may eat lightly steamed or lightly sautéed veggies. You can also eat small amounts of quinoa, buckwheat, or yams, but no rice or white potatoes. Quinoa and buckwheat may look like a grain, but they are actually highly nutritious seeds.
You can find plenty of good recipes online. Drink warm vegetable broths with lots of garlic, onions, ginger and of course a pinch of Cayenne. Include herbal teas, and green smoothies.
Fortifying Your Green Smoothies
Drink Smoothies at Room Temperature– Cool but Not Cold—No Ice. This goes for all other non-hot liquids i.e. water, juice. Avoid extreme temperatures in food or liquids— extremely cold or extremely hot.
To support improved digestion, do not eat and drink at the same meal; drink liquids 30 minutes before eating or drink 3-4 hours after eating a meal.
You can fortify Your smoothie by also adding Chlorella, Spirulina, or Moringa powder—No Protein Powder.
If You don’t want to feed Your illness, avoid eating heavy cooked meals, pasta, bread, all rice, white potatoes, sweets, sugar, fried, processed, ‘junk’ or ‘fast’ foods. Also stop drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs. Best to cut out the animals at this time especially the 4-legged. Eliminate ALL dairy.
Garlic Breath
When consuming lots of garlic, chewing a few sprigs of parsley will take away the garlic breath.
Immune Supplements
Vitamins C, D and the mineral Zinc are supplements that can be taken to support Your immune system. Lots of information regarding these supplements are available online.
As You start to feel better, if possible, begin to eat a diet that’s 75-85% raw. To avoid consuming pesticides, buy only organic produce. Read the labels carefully. If You are not able to recognize any or some of the ingredients on the label as a food, You probably shouldn’t be eating it.
Avoid foods that are GMOs -Genetically Modified Organisms. Don’t know what GMOs are…Please go online and Google. Don’t sleep on this because it’s serious; again… please do Your research!
Fermented Foods
Start including fermented foods in Your diet, i.e. raw sauerkraut, (I like adding raw sauerkraut to My salads,) tempeh, miso paste and vegan yogurt. (You can make broth from miso– and for a simple soup add chopped veggies).
Fermented foods are natural probiotics. See above, fermented raw cabbage (sauerkraut) and fermented raw beets. Probiotics support the intestinal flora, which support good bowel movements.
Remember, it is a Strong Immune System that will help keep Your body healthy and protected against COVID-19 and other viruses.
If You want to return to eating dead animals, it is best to eat small amounts preferably leaving the 4-legged ones out of Your diet all together especially the pig (that includes bacon).
Your 2nd best bet is to limit Your animal intake to chicken and fresh fish (avoid farmed fish or tilapia). Do not eat the scavenger seafood/shellfish i.e., shrimp, lobster, crabs etc.
Shellfish clean up the ocean. They eat the dead fish, debris, and pollutants at the bottom of the ocean including the mercury and heavy metals deposited into the ocean by humans. This is what You are also ingesting when You eat Them.
Pigs eat every and anything including animal and human feces. That’s why They too like shellfish are referred to as scavengers.
Farmed fish and tilapia kept in large tanks harbor bacteria, and are injected with antibiotics.
However, if You really miss Your 4-legged– Your steaks, burgers, and lamb chops etc., if possible, purchase from health food stores and locations where the animals are grass fed and no antibiotics.
Naturally You should also purchase Your antibiotic free poultry and fresh fish at the same locations.
Having a healthy colon is one of the keys to having a healthy immune system, and so if You want to fight a virus, it is very important not to be constipated.
If Your stool is hard, and dry, looking like pebbles, and You have to strain or push to go, You are constipated– even if You go every day, if all You pass is pebbles, small chunks and sticks You are constipated. Your colon is still impacted with waste. If it comes out soft in a pile like pudding, that is not healthy either.
A colon that is impacted with old feces shows that the body is not eliminating a lot of the toxins. As You can see in the image above, the colon has not evacuated all its stool. Toxins or waste not eliminated from the colon is the primary contributor to sickness and disease, which translate to– a weak immune system!
Having a series of 3 Colonics aka Hydro-Colon Therapy within 7 days will go a long way in helping to remove waste, toxins and prevent illness and disease. If You are unable to obtain a Colonic, then give Yourself a series of 3 enemas within 3 days (one per day)— especially if You are ill. It won’t come close to being as effective as a Colonic, but it will be helpful.
Ideally sitting on the toilet should be a 30 sec operation. It should take longer for You to wipe Yourself than it does to evacuate. Pay no attention to the Little Man below sitting with the book. He just hasn’t gotten the memo yet.
Ideally, feces should come out like toothpaste
Ideally, feces should come out like toothpaste, brown, full formed and smooth shaped like the letter ‘S’– this indicates a healthy colon balanced with ample fiber and water.
In general, taking laxatives or purgatives provides a temporary relief, but ultimately causes more harm than good. If condition persists, recommend You see a Health Professional.
If You notice what appears to be blood in Your stool and You haven’t eaten beets, or had beet juice, and You haven’t been straining, seek Medical Attention Immediate
One of the important ways to keep Your bowels open is to drink at least 2 qts /2 liters of water daily. Nursing Mothers should drink an extra 2 glasses (16 oz /480 ml).
Daily Diet should be at least 75% raw. Eliminate all sugary foods and drinks. Cut out large amounts of bread. Eliminate pasta. Eat more leafy greens. Also add raw leafy greens to salads and put pieces of greens into Your smoothies.
Keeping Your immune system strong also means exercising and going out for fresh air— even when You don’t feel well, don’t just stay in bed. Mild stretching and walking help move toxins out of the cells by providing more oxygen, into the cells, which leads to increased vitality.
So, go out walking and get fresh some air, even if only for a few minutes. You really must push Yourself so that You can get well.
NEVER MICROWAVE YOUR FOOD— not even water. Get rid of it! Cook your food on the stove using stainless steel, cast iron, ceramic covered cast iron or glass cookware. Also get rid of those aluminum pots and pans and those plastic drinking water bottles. They are all hazardous to Your health.
Get a filter on your water faucet and carry your filtered water in a stainless-steel bottle–sold just about everywhere.
I would like to say more about microwaved food, but…space does not permit, so please… Do Your Own Research! There is plenty of information on the Internet.
The 2 links below are a start!
Hopefully After 14 days You should be a lot better. If after 14 days You don’t feel any better or, AT ANY TIME before 14 days, Your condition begins to worsen, i.e., having difficulty breathing, notify a friend or family member. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION or call 911!
People with pre-existing conditions who are asymptomatic, need to practice caution as Their respiratory systems can easily become compromised. So, if You have any preexisting conditions i.e., cardio, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, smoker, obesity etc. and You develop COVID-19 symptoms, let a friend or family member know.
If You become Symptomatic, Self-quarantine for 3 days doing the steam for 30 minutes 3 times a day. If You find Yourself feeling better than continue for the balance of the 14 days continually assessing how You are feeling.
If AT ANY TIME, Your symptoms worsen, You’re Having Difficulty Breathing– call Your friend or family member and Seek Immediate Medical Attention or Call 911. Unless You are having difficulty breathing, Remember to put on a face covering.
If You are a diabetic, eat within Your Health Professional’s prescribed, nutritional guidelines for diabetics, but no processed, fried, fast or ‘junk’ food. If after 3 days, You are not feeling better or should You begin to feel worse at any time, notify Your friend or family member, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION or Call 911!
Be sure to Clearly Inform EMS and the Hospital Personnel that You have a pre-existing condition. Write down the name of Your Doctor, a list of all the medications You take and the dosages. Keep it handy in case You need to show it.
MILLENNIALS and Under 50s, I hope I have covered everything to Your satisfaction.
Again, please use the information as a guide, but please begin to Do Your Own Research! Nowadays there is so much available information. Remember it is the information and the proper application of that information that is going to keep Your generation strong and healthy.
So, to all of You MILLENNIALS and Under 50s I say… ’And Here’s to Your Health!’And to the Coronavirus and all the other Viruses I say…”BYE Y’ALL! “ 😊

- © copyright 2023– All Rights Reserved
- If You would like to use this article on Your website, You may do so as long as You reference My website as the source for Your information. www.vitalityrestored.com
- Yocheved Bat-Imedt, is a Registered Nurse, Holistic Health & Healing Arts Practitioner, Holistic Health Consultant, as well as Holistic Asthma Consultant, and the founder of FAFAA-First Aid For Asthma Attacks, LLC . She has spent over 40 Years researching and promoting holistic health and healing.